Monday, June 23, 2014

Avalanche Refresh

Steve Hill released a prophetic word two years ago about a coming spiritual avalanche. The full word was posted at the Charisma News site, and a fuller explanation was posted on the main Charisma site.

In a dream last night, I recalled Steve’s word. I was walking at the top of a snow-covered peak. I watched as a stainless steel cannon ball was fired at the upper levels of the sloop. It was meant to cause an avalanche. Based on Steve’s word, I would consider this to be an action that was initiated by God, but it was still a dangerous situation. There was no need to fear though for those with the right footwear. Those who walked on the peaks wearing sandals did not need to be afraid of the avalanches. For me, sandals speak of humility and a simplicity of trust in Jesus. It is an uncomplicated, unsophisticated faith that causes us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

I woke up this morning thinking about the goodness of God. In particular, I was focused on the intentionally of God’s goodness. The world at large can accept that God loves them, but I think that there is an assumption that God’s love is an automatic action, a default state if you will. It is almost as though we imagine God as being "accidentally kind". In reality, God has gone out of his way to show us kindness, mercy, patience, and forgiveness.

It is through a relationship of trust with Jesus that we are saved. I grew up hearing that we trust in and adhere to Jesus in order to be saved. That is true and yet, the focus is off. We trust in and adhere to Jesus because of who He is: He is the only begotten Son of God. He is the manifestation of the radiance of God’s glory. He is the righteous and holy judge before whom we all will give account of our lives. It is out of a recognition and a proper response to who Jesus is that we enter into relationship with him. Out of that context flows the care and intentional kindness of God.

Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ[c] depart from iniquity.” – 2 Timothy 2:19

As we focus our hearts on the nature of God, we will stand secure on the solid foundation of God. There is no slippery slope for us when we walk in a humble recognition of who God is and of who are before him.

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