Over the last few months, the Holy Spirit has been teaching me concerning infirmity, the root of infirmity, and healing. I would define infirmity as any sickness, defect, or injury in our bodies.
To be healed by God, we must believe that he wants to heal us and that he hates and even fights against infirmity. To receive anything from God, we must have a confident expectation that what we ask of him is his will and that he is able to fulfill our request. Therefore, it is foundational that we know God's heart for healing. It is painful to think of how much bad teaching has encouraged Christians to believe that God wants them to stay broken. Andrew Wommack has a free set of teachings named, "God Wants You Well". If you are not sure of God's heart in this area, these free messages are a useful resource.
I have been agreeing with God concerning healing for me and my wife from a set of lifelong infirmities. As I have continually sought after God for healing, he has given my wife and me both dreams and inner visions that show us as being healed. The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that we are already healed even though we are waiting for the visible signs of wholeness. This is true for a couple of different reasons that I am going to share.
The first is that time is an illusion! It constrains us, but God lives outside of this phenomena. When we ask God for something that we know to be within his will and believe confidently that we will receive it, we can know that God has already accomplished it for us within our future. Faith is not believing that God will do something for us. It is believing that God already has done it for us and then coming into a steady agreement with this truth. As we believe in our heart and speak with our mouth what God has said to be true, what is already completed in heavenly realms manifests here on Earth. It is the kingly practice of declaring the will of God and commanding the things of Earth to come into submission to that will.
The second reason is that healing and infirmity can exist within the body at the same time. Recently, God showed me that God can transmit healing into a person’s body, but that the enemy often attempts to mask the reality of having been healed. In my case, I am walking around with a totally healed body, but infirmity creates the illusion that I have not been healed. It becomes a matter of whether I will live out of my intellect or my spirit. Daily, I choose to believe God and to confess the truth of what he has already finished. I have seen in the spirit that when infirmity drops off of me, it will be obvious that I had been healed prior to that point.
One morning, I woke up with a song rising out of my spirit. The “Horse and Rider Thrown into the Sea” is based on Exodus 15 when God drowned the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. The Holy Spirit showed me that there are two enemies to be defeated for healing to be seen: There is the infirmity, and the root of infirmity. The root of infirmity is the spirit of infirmity. It is a demon that promotes sickness. In my family’s case, this spirit has kept us from being made well and held us back in our God-given life purposes. The spirit of infirmity furthers sickness in two ways. It reinforces an existing sickness or injury. It may lie to us that God gives sickness as a form of his kindness. It also seeks to bring about new sickness. It searches our DNA to find genetic dispositions that it can use to trigger illness.
What is the solution? In my case, God showed me that he already defeated the infirmity and that he crushed, burned, and incinerated the root of infirmity. This has been already been done within my future. God has prepared this, planned out every detail...and it has already happened. I am living in the unfolding on what God has finished. Additionally, the Holy Spirit has touched our DNA in an upcoming move of God so that the spirit of infirmity has nothing to attach itself to. My family has been completely delivered from infirmity from a point in our near-present and into the ongoing future become of what God has accomplished.
I have learned something about how to receive healing. God has gradually shifted my faith from believing that I have enough faith and determination to receive the visible signs of my healing to knowing that God will cause it to manifest at the correct time. God is both willing and able to keep his promises no matter how steady my heart feels or how much sleep I got the night before. He spoke to me during the night once that I do not need to have someone else go to him to get healing for me. He is pursuing me himself to deliver the healing!
There can be a delay to receiving healing because God wants it to be the greatest possible blessing to us. He can sustain us, but he would rather bless our socks off. If you are waiting on God, do not grow discouraged. He is not just merciful. He is more good and more kind that any of us could possibly imagine. He is a God who knows what it is to carry our sickness and to suffer in our place. He has never, ever turned on his back on us.
As we stand before God claiming the fulfillment of his Word to us, know this: It is impossible for him to forget us! This covenant that we are included in is between God and his precious Son. In the same way that the rainbow was a sign of God’s promise to Noah, Jesus is the rainbow of the New Covenant promises. Every time God looks at Jesus, he is reminded of his promises. Jesus is our reassurance that God will express his goodness to us and keep every promise that we will trust him for. If we will only believe God and keep believing him, we will receive the full measure of what he has prepared for us.
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